Addons For Raiding Legion

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    • International Game Master Recruitment — Sethraliss & Sylvanas & Garrosh and Gul'dan06/23/19

      Firestorm International is looking for Game Masters for Sethraliss, Sylvanas, Garrosh and Gul'dan. We're currently looking for members from all regions that wish to join our staff team. Each Game Master will be providing assistance to players through Forums, Discord and In-game tickets.Remember that there are requirements for the position. By signing up for the position you will gain experience with working in a team, and much more. Please put an effort into your application as we provide the general format for you and all you do is have to fill it in.Click here to read the requirements and apply!
    • New Graphic Ideas07/29/19

      If you are a Graphic Designer and want to volunteer to help the International Firestorm Staff with creating contents, make sure to take a look on that topic here.
    • Securing a Firestorm Account11/16/19

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    • Boost Firestorm Discord / VIP12/20/19

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  • Jun 11, 2018 Comment by mousetrap While the guide part is good, the addons listed for new players is not. Bartender and bagnon are horrible addons for new players and beginners. Both of those tend to break every patch and are usually down for up to a few days after. Also.if anything happens with those addons, players that use them tend to be in bad shape as they have no familiarity with the basic ui.
  • We've come up with a list of five essential addons for PvE players in Legion, as well as tossed in a few others that are good for general Azerothian exploration.
Wow legion addon

Best Addons For Legion

Feb 01, 2018 Ranking in Twitch’s 5th most popular addon, it has 11,000,000 downloads. Some stats recount can display for your benefit, damage per npc, damage by attack, and overall raid damage done. Recount is a classic tried and true addon that everyone should have. It tracks all damage and heals, gives you customizable stats, and displays data.