- Christ Embassy Online Church
- Christ Embassy Cell Ministry Manual
- Christ Embassy International Church
- Christ Embassy Cell Ministry Manual Pdf
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Week 1TYPE OF MEETING: Prayer & Planning Meeting
Duration of meeting: 1 hour 30 minutes
Meeting holds in 2 segments – planning segment and the prayer segment
Having sown seeds of righteousness in the UK through our ROYAL RHAPSODY OF REALITIES REACH OUT (RRORR) CAMPAIGN in April, our harvest is truly plenteous and this month we will continue to reach out to the unsaved. We would also reach out to our brethren who have not been as consistent and committed as they should be and ensure these ones are rooted and grounded in the faith.
GUIDE A – Activities for the Month
In this Session, the Cell Leader communicates clearly to all members:
• The goals for the month covering all aspects of Cell Activity (Soul winning, Follow Up & Visitation, Partnership participation of all members, Attendance target in all Meetings, Upcoming programs in the Church/Group, etc) and YOOKOS signup
• Each member’s personal involvement in the actualization of these goals.
• Outline all the plans for your cell for the month. This will include:
o Attendance of old members at cell meetings, especially the Prayer/Planning
o Collect testimonies from members so that they can be reviewed and shared at fellowship meeting.
o Targets should be set for the rest of the meetings in the month especially the outreach meeting.
GUIDE B – Meeting Types
In this session the Cell Leader explains in detail:
• Bible study meeting. Prayerfully make time to plan for your bible study meeting next week. Ensure each member has obtained a personal copy of the CD. Important!!! Each cell member must review this material and make notes before the meeting.
o Set the individual targets and study group targets
o Explain what each member is expected to do at the bible study. (Get their personal copies of the CD Maintaining a Perfect Heart by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
• Outreach program. The Cell Leader should ensure all the necessary equipment is provided for the DVD message to be shown. Plan big for this Outreach.
o Discuss content of the outreach, including date, time and venue
o Materials required (including First timers & New converts cards, books, etc)
o Appoint key players and ensure they understand what is expected of them.
o Give targets for Attendance, First timers, New Converts
o Go through the database of 1st timers with all members and clearly state who does what. Contact 1st timers by sending letters, phone calls, and visits.
o Discuss any expenses and how they will be met, including gifts and refreshments for first timers, payment for the venue, etc
o Set up a functional prayer chain.
• Fellowship meeting. The content of the meeting and what is expected of each member.
o Discuss nature and format of meeting
o Discuss awards and gifts to be presented
PRAYER SEGMENT – Prayer Points
• Pray for Pastor’s unique ministry to the nations of the world; that God would continue to grant him prophetic insight and revelation into the reality of His purpose for mankind, and that his messages, outreaches and crusades would continue to unveil this reality to people all over the world.(Rom 1:1,Gal 1:15 -16, Eph 3:1- 5, 7,8).
• Declare that his person and messages will continue to reflect the personality and character of the Spirit, out of him will issue forth unusual anointing resulting in outstanding manifestations of God’s power on everyone who sees, hears, or comes in contact with him.(Acts 10:38, 13:47)
• Pray for Pastor as he continues to reach the world with this divine message, more sons of consolation will be raised in all nations of the world, who would commit themselves and their substances to this great vision and the expansion of God’s kingdom such that our ministry and vision would become a household name all over the world (Isa 8:18, 2Cor 8:2-5).
• Declare that his physical presence and that of our ministry materials and arms in any city or nation brings remarkable progress in the socio- political and economy of such places, as that divine presence which characterizes us continues to dominate and spread as the waters cover the sea.(Gen 12:3b)
BLW International Staff Week
• Pray for the tangible presence and power of God at this conference such that everyone present will be rekindled with a fresh zeal and inspiration to excel in the work of the ministry.( 1Kgs 8:10).
• Pray for their efforts to continually advance the ministry vision and goals in every facet they are involved in. (Eccl 9:10, Prov 12:24).
• Declare that the impact of this conference would bring about world class and monumental achievements causing growth and tremendous expansion in ministry.
Midyear Pastors’ Conference
• Declare that the impact of this conference will be so evident upon every Pastor causing them to abound in grace and every spiritual gift such that their progress and promotion will be seen and the anointing they have received will be a lifetime impartation which continues to rub off on everything they do and on everyone they come in contact. (Rom 1:11)
• Pray for every Pastor attending this conference, to experience the tangible power of God in every session of the conference and with a fresh fire for the work of the ministry. (Mt 5:6 Acts 4:31).
• Pray for their minds to be flooded with light and spiritual understanding as they receive every teaching and revelation from our man of God Pastor Chris. (Luk 24:45, Eph 1:18, Col 1:9).
• Thank God for a fresh infilling of the Holy Ghost; and diverse manifestation of the gifts of the spirit at this meeting such that everyone would be literally transported and transformed into a higher level of glory. (2 Cor 3:18, Acts 4:31)
International Cell Leaders Conference
• Pray for as many delegates attending this conference that their hunger will be filled with great and divine revelations from our man of God Pastor Chris at the conference (Mat 5:6, Eph 3:2-5)
• Pray for the tangible manifestation of God’s power in every session such that everyone present will be inundated with that anointing and rekindled with a fresh zeal and inspiration for the work of the ministry. (1Kgs 8:10).
Our Higher Life Conferences In The Us, Canada And The UK
• Thank God for the impact of these programs on everyone who attend, declare that there will be awesome manifestation of God’s power, such that the glory of these programs will supersede all previous programs held in these countries (Hag 2:9)
• Pray for a great harvest of souls into the kingdom through these programs, we declare salvation for the unsaved, healing for the sick, restoration and deliverance to the oppressed through ministration of the word, and a total transformation for everyone present.(Acts 2:21, Lk 4:40).
• Pray for the general organization and planning for these programs, everything will culminate towards an overwhelming success of the programs. (Rom 8:28).
• Declare that the wisdom of God functions mightily in every personnel; causing them to work by the leading of God’s spirit in executing the laid down plans for the program. (Rom 8:14).
• We pray for supernatural and consistent growth in all our churches. Growth constantly initiated and attributed to the miraculous power of God at work in our ministry causing outstanding, irreversible increase both numerically and spiritually, which will be reflected in the lives of our brethren (Acts 2:41, 47, Acts 5:14).
• We pray for all our church structures tailored to nurture and sustain growth(Cells, PCUs, PCFs, Outreach fellowships, 1stTimers Ministry etc), that as they continue to carry out their responsibilities with deep spiritual insight into God’s will for church growth and retainership, their work will be effective, and sanctified by the Holy Ghost to produce lasting results. (Acts 2:46-47)
• We declare that the force of God’s spirit would continually pull people to our churches through our ministry materials, television programs, internet multimedia, and that they are inundated with the vision of our ministry through these arms to become strong and vibrant members of our great ministry.(Mark 16:15).
• We declare that as members of our great ministry, we are actively involved in soul winning and retainership and this zeal burns continually in us with signs and wonders authenticating all our efforts. (Mark 16:20).
• We declare that the impact of our prayers results in tremendous attendance in our services, cell meetings and other church programs. (Job 22:28).
• Pray for a great harvest of souls into the kingdom through these Outreaches, we declare salvation for the unsaved, healing for the sick, restoration and deliverance to the oppressed through ministration of the word, and a total transformation for everyone at these meetings. (Acts 2:21,lk 4:40).
• Declare that these Outreach meetings will change the course of our cells and churches (Mt 28:19-20, Gal 3:8)
• Pray for the general organization and planning for these Outreaches, everything will culminate to overwhelming success of the programs.
Week 2
TYPE OF MEETING: Bible Study Meeting
THEME: Maintaining A Perfect Heart
REFERNCE MATERIAL: ACD of same title same title by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
To do a proper study the following materials will be needed:
1. A bible
2. Writing materials
The cell leader should encourage all the members of his/her cell to come for the bible study meeting with all of these materials.
Each member of the cell ought to have this material. Prior to coming for the meeting everyone should have listened to it and made notes on the message.
At the meeting the CD should be listened to again which should be followed with discussions.
Defining your reason for being in the house of God is important and it will go a long way to determine the role that you will play in the body of Christ.
Be definite about what you are called to do for God; don’t be found doing things that could take your focus away from the Lord. One of the reasons why some Christians do not grow in the things of God the way they ought to is because of their attitude to the things of God. It is important for you to know when you are making changes spiritually.
2 Chronicles 25:1- 2 saw king Amaziah, who did what was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a loyal heart. Loyalty is a very important virtue that a Christian should have and develop. Your loyalty will determine the kind of influence you will have on others that come close to you; it will reveal what you have come to believe.
Our bible study this month is based on a vital ministry material that every member of Christ Embassy ought to have.
Outreach update:
Spend a few minutes of the bible study, possibly during announcements to obtain feedback, on next week’s outreach.
• Get number of confirmed invitees
• Cell leader to confirm that all basic requirements have been made.
• Ensure that everyone knows what they are expected to do.
It is the cell leader’s responsibility to communicate excitement and enthusiasm to the members
Week 3
TYPE OF MEETING: Outreach Meeting
REFERENCE MATERIAL: JESUS- DVD- Message by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
In this DVD, Pastor Chris extensively explains who Jesus is, what He came to do and how relevant He is in our world today.
This message will let the unsaved know exactly who Jesus is and why they must receive Him into their lives today.
We, that have received salvation will also be fully persuaded about our beliefs and become bolder to preach the gospel to the unsaved around us.
The purpose of this outreach is to hurl in souls into the kingdom.
It is intended to lead the unsaved and sick to know that Jesus Christ loves and accepts him/her; to help them think in a way that will allow the saving power of the gospel to be activated towards them to save and to heal. We can expect healings and salvation to take place in our outreach meetings this month, as people are exposed to these truths in the word of God, about who Jesus is, what He came to do and how relevant He is to us today.
1. Opening prayer & Praying in the Spirit – 10 minutes
2. Worship – 15 minutes
3. Presentations: Poetry, Drama, special numbers – 10 minutes
4. Message, Ministrations & Altar Call – 60 minutes
5. Recognition of First Timers/Gifts for First Timers/Light refreshments – 15 minutes
6. Offerings/Announcements/Closing/BLW Anthem – 10 minutes
After the message the minister gives an opportunity for Salvation
Prayer of Salvation.
The minister leads people to Christ in prayer as follows:
“Oh Lord God, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Your word says, ‘….whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved; (Acts 2:21) I ask Jesus to come into my heart to be the lord of my life. I receive eternal life into my spirit and according to Romans 10:9 ‘if thou shall confess with the mouth the lord Jesus…thou shall be saved’ I declare that I am saved; I am born again; I am a child of God! I now have Christ dwelling in me, and I walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ.”
This shall be followed by the ministration of the Holy Ghost
Ministration of the Holy Ghost
The Cell leader leads them in prayer thus:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the Gift of the Holy Spirit. As Your child, I now receive Him by faith to come and dwell in my heart. I receive Him into my soul and body. I receive Him into every fiber of my being. I am now filled with the Holy Spirit, and according to Your Word in Acts 2:4, I speak with other tongues as He gives me utterance, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
At the end of the Word ministration, the preacher should pronounce God’s blessings upon all in the meeting.
Week 4
TYPE OF MEETING: Fellowship Meeting
Christ Embassy Online Church
REFERENCE MATERIAL: Now That you are Born AgainFor this meeting, the following materials will be needed:
1. A bible
2. Writing materials
Having had our Outreach meetings last week, we have seen an influx of souls into the cell and as we prepare for the last half of our year as a burning and shining light, we should participate in establishing the saints won through the Outreaches in Christ and in church.
Study Objectives:
1. To let the new converts know the importance of attending services regularly
2. To bring about a change of attitude in older members who have not been regular in the services
3. To guide our brethren on how to effectively follow up new converts to ensure they come to church.
Main texts – Heb 10:25, 1 Cor 12:12 – 14, Psalm 133:1-2
In Matt 16:18, Jesus spoke of His Church, which is His body on earth and said He would build it and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
1 Cor 12:12 -14 lets us know that we are the body and Christ is the Head. All born again believers are members of His body, and of one another (1 Cor 12:27).
• Attending church is in obedience to God’s will (Heb 10:25)
• By attending church services, you develop your spirit (Inner man to maturity)
Christ Embassy Cell Ministry Manual
• You have the opportunity to fellowship with other God’s children as you hear testimonies, witness miracles, pray and worship God together. These bring about corporate anointing of the Holy Spirit, ministering to each member of the congregation in a specific manner. (Acts 1:14, Ps 133: 1-2)• Just as different parts of the human body cannot function in isolation, the different members of the body of Christ cannot function effectively on their own. God gave different gifts and callings to members of the church, so that the whole church may benefit (1 Cor 12:18-24, Ephesians 4:11-12)
• It enables us to bless and edify one another with different gifts of God
• In church, you are taught the word of God, therefore you have a better understanding
Therefore do not forsake the assembly of the saints.
Christ Embassy International Church
As a child of God, you must identify yourself with a local assembly (not several), a place you can call HOME and participate fully in the activities. You develop your human spirit through the attendance of church services and your walk in the word becomes easier and more productive.
Award Presentation
Each cell must have awards to be presented by the PCF/PCU leader at this meeting. Present awards for
1. Soul winner of the Month
2. Most Outstanding new member
3. Most Outstanding Cell
4. Commitment awards
5. YOOKOS Media Connector Award
The criteria for the awards should be approved by the Church Pastor/coordinator
Christ Embassy | |
Classification | Evangelicalism |
Theology | Neo-charismatic movement |
Region | World |
Headquarters | Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria |
Founder | Chris Oyakhilome |
Origin | 1987 |
Official website | www.christembassy.org |
Christ Embassy, also known as LoveWorld Incorporated or Believers' Loveworld, is a megachurch and a Christian denomination founded by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome in 1987. Gmail account creator bot 2020. The Church, with headquarters in Lagos has since become a global network of churches with congregations in many countries, and approximately 13,000,000 followers all over the world.[1] The Church has ministries in Canada, Nigeria, South Africa, the United States and the United Kingdom.[2] The church has 145 branches of on five continents.[3]
Apowersoft online screen recorder download. The church started with a prayer group led by Chris Oyakhilome, at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, while he was studying architecture in 1987.[4][5] The church celebrated its 30-year anniversary in November 2017.[6][7]
The church has approximately 13,000,000 followers worldwide.[8] Several other ministries around the world participate in its programs and conferences like the International Pastors and Partners Conference (IPPC) which holds every November in Lagos, Nigeria; the International Cell Leaders' Conference (ICLC) which holds in the middle of the year; the International School of Ministry; the Healing School, etc.[9]
United Kingdom[edit]
In the United Kingdom Christ Embassy is a registered charity, established in 1996.[10] In July 2013 the Charity Commission launched an inquiry regarding the use of charitable funds, however inspections of records did not resolve concerns about its financial management and in August 2014 the Charity Commission appointed an interim manager to run the charity until 2016.[2]British tax authorities withheld £2.8 million in Gift Aid tax refunds from the charity as they were concerned not all of the charity's income was being spent for charitable purposes.[11]
Christ Embassy Cell Ministry Manual Pdf
LoveWorld television stations[edit]
Christ Embassy runs seven TV channels including LoveWorld TV, LoveWorld SAT, LoveWorld Plus, LoveWorld UK, LoveWorld Nigeria, LoveWorld India and LoveWorld USA.[12][13] LoveWorld USA is run in partnership with Pastor Benny Hinn, who appears in many of the programs on the channel.
Loveworld Publications[edit]
The publishing house, Loveworld Publications, affiliated to the network of churches, published his first book in 1995, Recreating Your World.[14] Loveworld Publications has published all the books of Chris Oyakhilome, including Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional published in over 976 languages[15][16][17] and in 242 countries and territories of the world.[18] Over 2 billion copies of the devotional have been distributed since it was first published in year 2000.[19][20] Ashampoo winoptimizer 6 free download.
Christ Embassy also has a book publishing firm called LoveWorld Publishing Ministry and is a dedicated Christian Book Publishing firm reaching out to the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ with God's Word through books authored by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
See also[edit]
- ^'Major Nigerian Evangelical leader emphasizes Christian solidarity during Israel visit - Israel News - Jerusalem Post'. www.jpost.com. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- ^ abSam Burne James (12 August 2014). 'Charity Commission appoints interim manager for evangelical church charity Christ Embassy'. Third Sector. Retrieved 22 September 2019.
- ^Published. 'The Family of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Revealed'. Punch Newspapers. Retrieved 2020-02-06.
- ^T. A. Falaye (March 2015). 'The Ministry of Christ Embassy, Lagos. Nigeria'(PDF). European Researcher. 92 (3). doi:10.13187/er.2015.92.230. Retrieved 22 September 2019.
- ^Laurent Fourchard, André Mary, René Otayek, 'Entreprises religieuses transnationales en Afrique de l'Ouest', Karthala Editions, France, 2005, page 470
- ^Krinsky, Alberto (2017-10-23). 'A Special Message from Pastor Deola in Preparation for the IPPC 2017'. Pastor Chris Live USA. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- ^IPPC 2017 with Pastor Chris - YOU Church is celebratint 30 years of BLW, retrieved 2019-09-27
- ^'Major Nigerian Evangelical leader emphasizes Christian solidarity during Israel visit - Israel News - Jerusalem Post'. www.jpost.com. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- ^Paulinus Okodugha, theinfong.com, Revealed: Seven secrets of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Nigeria, September 3, 2014
- ^Charity Commission. Christ Embassy, registered charity no. 1059247.
- ^Weakley, Kirsty (18 February 2014). 'Christian charity is subject to HMRC investigation'. Civil Society. Retrieved 22 September 2019.
- ^Ogbu Kalu, 'African Pentecostalism: An Introduction', Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2008, page 118
- ^Christ Embassy Online International
- ^articles.onlinenigeria.com, Popular Nigerian Pastors - Christian Oyakhilome, Nigeria, May 2, 2013
- ^qNw1UHSvtX. 'Let's Spread God's Love In 1000 Languages! | Christ Embassy'. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- ^qNw1UHSvtX. 'Sponsor a Rhapsody Language in 2019 | Christ Embassy'. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- ^https://sponsoralanguage.rhapsodyofrealities.org/index_nigeria.php?id=d
- ^'Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional'. rhapsodyofrealities.org. Retrieved 2019-10-01.
- ^'History Made with 1.2 Billion Copies of Rhapsody of Realities Circulated in 2018'. LoveWorld TV. 2018-11-19. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- ^qNw1UHSvtX. 'Let's Spread God's Love In 1000 Languages! | Christ Embassy'. Retrieved 2019-09-27.